Dr. Pang’s Words On Feb. 5 2022
It was a pleasure to read your materials. Through you, I wish to extend my warm congratulations to the staff of your International Department and to their students for the good results achieved against Covid-19.
I hope that through these two cases, although they are few, they do show the subversive and high-tech nature of our three-layer material theory and even our chen qi and la qi methods.
You should study these two cases in our workshop, discuss them carefully, express your opinions, and improve your understanding of our theory.
On the other hand, we hope that our comrades in the International Department will actively work in foreign countries where they have the conditions, should apply this main direction to the treatment of covid-19, of course on a voluntary basis of patients, so that we can show the great superiority of our Chinese culture and even the advanced nature of our new theory in the face of this covid-19, new great threat to mankind. I hope you will work hard on these aspects. I wish you all better results.
Information From Dr. Pang On Feb. 5 2022
Laoshi have seen the material about the fight against the New Coronavirus sent out from …laoshi, was very happy and excited, asked to tell you to send this information to all of your contacts abroad, including the international practice group. Let more people know about it.
Also ask themself to report it to the local government or post it on the internet.
Laoshi especially emphasizes sending them to the teachers you know who teach gong abroad. And to foreign friends who have studied in Xi’an. Strive to build a network that use our gong to heal New Crown Pneumonia (be sure to emphasize that it is our gong. In order not to mix them up). If we do this well, it may become a shortcut to integrate our gong into the international community.